Best Crystals for Capricorn Season

Best Crystals for Capricorn Season

December 22 - January 19

The year is almost at a close which means Capricorn season has arrived. What is most attractive to me during this season is the noticeably grounding energy. It's definitely a welcoming feeling during what seems to be the most pleasantly hectic time of year. 

There's a chance you're the type of person that appreciates the solitude of this season. If you're not, you're probably one that is going through the grunt work + all of the dirty details towards things that you'd like to see through fruition. Either way, there are three crystals that pair with this season will benefit you. By the time we get to the end of January you will feel a shift in the energy as it will be noticeably lighter. 

For me personally I love these three together as they pair well color-wise. You'll notice too that amethyst, smoky quartz, + tiger eye all share a peaceful, grounding energy about them. 


So are you a Capricorn? Tell me!

Much light + love,
